Welcome to the official site of the Columbia Basin Net, operating on 3960 Khz, 365 days per year. If 3960 is occupied, our backup frequencies are 3963 LSB or 3963 USB. 

Membership requirements are that you must check in at least 10 times per calendar month. Visitors are called for at the end of the member roll call and are welcome on the CBN. The CBN starts at 6:00 pm Pacific time nightly.

Feel free to look around the website and to join us on the net some evening. We look forward to hearing you on the Columbia Basin Net.        

Thank you for stopping by!    

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 Click here to download a copy of the US Amateur Bands effective September 22, 2017. 
The CBN is funded solely from donations. If you wish to make a donation, please send it to our Secretary/ Treasurer Mike/N7MGW. Use the mailing address listed on QRZ. 

If you have made a donation to the CBN in the past, Thank you very much!